bbnet 1.1.0 (2025-01-23)
- Updated bbn.predict, bbn.sensitivity, bbn.visualise and bbn.timeseties to allow for zeros in the interaction matrix.
- Updated bbn.sensitivity function to print an error message if spelling of key variables is wrong.
- Updated bbn.visualise and bbn.timeseries to stop function if priors do not follow structure (Increase, Node).
- Updated bbn.predict, bbn.visualise and bbn.timeseties to stop function if the first column of priors does not contain numeric data.
- Updated bbn.predict, bbn.visualise and bbn.timeseties to warn of different ordering of nodes between priors and interaction matrix.
bbnet 1.0.1 (2024-05-18)
- Updated citation section of README.Rmd
- Updated DESCRIPTION file
bbnet 1.0 (2024-05-17)
- First version of the package